And for the uninformed (of which I was one once), when u see a name which has "upon" in it, it is usually followed by the name of a river. This is partly cuz they prolly ran out of names and had to re-use names for towns :-P!!!! So there's a Stratford in London - and there's another Stratford which is the birthplace of Shakespeare. The latter is more commonly known as Stratford-upon-Avon cuz it is located at River Avon.
Therefore, Kingston-upon-Thames is named thus cuz the Thames run thru it. And I would prolly would not go there save for the fact that it was the closest stop to the Nikon office (30 mins walk away).
On the way back, me decided to walk along the Thames and took some pics long the way.

View along the Thames - it's nice to walk along the river. Peaceful and quiet. In the middle pic above, if you click on it to enlarge it, you can see rowing practice taking place.
Oh, there were no cows around...

Bird-flu is approaching!!!! Look at how fat the goose is. Imagine it roasted... ;-P~
I was pretty intrigued by the orange coloured tag on the goose's feet. On the right is a pic of a duck "couple". yeah, the brown one is female while the nice green-headed one is male.

Kingston Bridge - a little further down and you'll find yrself at Hampton Court Park and Palace - wif an excellent (so i read) maze and gardens. Me din have the time to go there - had to pay and me din have sufficient time. But it'll prolly be lovely during spring!
Middle and right pics - pigeons trying to keep warm on the cold winter evening.